jo bregnard

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FEEL: In praise of s l o w n e s s ...

So when exactly did we, as a culture, decide that faster was somehow better? We all know where fast food has gotten us, and highways have speed limits for a reason. But despite slow food (and Crock-Pots), Jimmy Fallon jams, and inspiring TED talks, we still we seem to have that insatiable need ... the need for speed.

As a fast-talking multitasker, I speak from experience. In the past I've tried to consciously slow my pace as I move through my day. But the desire to Get Things Done~~often multiple Things at once~~meant that I would find myself moving at the frantic rate that at some point had become my norm.

My yoga practice is different, though. I was drawn to the heat and intensity of hot power yoga, and I do still love feeling my quickened heartbeat and a satisfying sweat. But once I started to learn all the anatomical nuances of familiar asana in teacher training~~as well as how to pay attention to how my body truly felt in a posture~~there was no going back.

The change in my pacing became really obvious in the classes I teach. When I would offer to substitute at the last minute and pulled out the flow I memorized during teacher training, I found that I wasn't able to get through all the postures. My desire to share with others how it feels to move with more intention had edged out the need to check off a mental list of poses.

And what's cool is that I'm finally starting to notice that when I consciously pause during my time off the mat~~staying mindful through even mundane tasks~~I really do get more things accomplished, and with better results. Maybe trying to do that a little more often will create some nice new neural pathways ... ones where the speed limit is a little more reasonable.

Want to be like Jimmy and try your hand at slow jamming? Join me at 7:30 p.m. Thursdays at Open Doors Yoga Studios - Hingham for a 60-minute Warm Slow Flow (level 2). Build strength and flexibility in this new class, which offers a slower progression of sequences and longer holds so mind and body can be brought into balance. You'll be encouraged to explore all the benefits of each posture while finding equanimity between challenge and release in this focused and intense class. The studio will be heated between 80 and 85 degrees.